Mi-Glow® 634


Mi-Glow® 600 red particles premixed with powdered Wetting Agent 34 for use in water media. It is designed to be used with visible light for detecting discontinuities found in structural fabrications and weldments. Higher particle concentration provides heavier indication buildup for easy detection. Mi-Glow® 634 can be further enhanced when used with a UV-A light or blue light.

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Product Description

Mi-Glow® 600 red particles premixed with powdered Wetting Agent 34 for use in water media. It is designed to be used with visible light for detecting discontinuities found in structural fabrications and weldments. Higher particle concentration provides heavier indication buildup for easy detection. Mi-Glow® 634 can be further enhanced when used with a UV-A light or blue light.

Additional Information


2 lb. jar, 30 lb. pail

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Mi-Glow® 634

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